My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Door County 1986

Door County 1986

Tape 5 - 1986

July 14, 1986 - Monday

The tradition began in 1983 that on Mark’s birthday, July 14th, he would be the one to make all of the decisions for the day. These decisions might include what we eat for dinner at the campsite, or maybe he’d want to go into town to a restaurant and have a real nice dinner. Whatever Mark wanted to do, we had to do it…within reason. However, at 12:01am the next day, his illusive powers of decision-making evaporated like pee does when putting out the last embers of the campfire.

We met quite a few girls over the years. Most of these girls were from somewhere in Wisconsin. I met two girls down by the beach and invited them to our campsite to party. These girls were from Illinois.

As you listen to this audio track, at around 40 minutes into it, you will hear what sounds like someone puking then falling out of a lounge chair. For the next half-hour or so, you can hear Curt, Mark and myself inside the camper, laughing hysterically. However, Mike got stuck sitting around the campfire with both of the girls, having to deal with the chaos of puke flying everywhere.

We all drank a lot of booze when we went camping. By 1986, we were all working jobs that afforded us more than enough money to pay for everything we needed for the trip, including cases of beer and bottles of everything you could imagine. Well, these two girls polished off an entire bottle of Peach Schnaps in one sitting.

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
My personal library of digitized audio tracks and clips from my compact cassette tapes collection from all the way back to the late 1970's.
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David Garski