My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Door County 1986

Door County 1986

Tape 3 - 1986
[IMAGE: Curt and Mike at the beach.]

July 13, 1986 - Sunday

Usually, by the third or fourth day of camping, we’re already getting sick of each other. When it rained, this made things worse because there really wasn’t much left to do except hang out in the camper. Day drinking just wasn’t our thing. Party time didn’t really begin until the sun went down.

[IMAGE: Mike, Joe, Mark and Curt at the top of the lookout tower.]

It was always a good thing when we jumped into a car and drove into town to break the monotony before we all killed each other. Sometimes, we’d go to the store in Sister Bay and get more provisions and booze. Other times, we might actually go miniature golfing. Mostly, we just wanted to sleep late, get up around noon, eat a few donuts, fill the cooler with beer and be on the beach all day or out skiing with Mike’s boat.

[IMAGE: Dave at the beach.]

I was always on the hunt for new female talent. Unfortunately, girls our age were very difficult to find. Angel, Maureen, Kelly and Kris would eventually leave the park and head back home. This meant that our chances of meeting new girls were much better. As it would turn out, we would meet a few more girls, including two from Illinois. We would also get paid a visit from one of the girls we met in the park in 1983. Stay tuned!

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life