My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Mike's house - 1994

December 24, 1994

I flew from Orlando to Wisconsin for Christmas. It had been a few years since I had been back to Racine to visit family and friends. I’m pretty sure I stayed at my parents house while I was up there.

Every years, my family had the traditional Christmas Eve party, which was always celebrated at either my parents house or my Aunt’s apartment or at whichever uncle was next to host the party. Christmas eve meant eating and drinking - a lot of drinking - then going to church for midnight mass.

Mike had moved into his first house sometime in the early 1990’s. Oddly enough, it was located directly across the street from Curt’s dad’s house. I think Mike bought it because he got a good deal on it.

Everyone met over at Mike’s house. It was me, Curt, Mike, Joe, Jim, Dee Dee and Ruthie. Mark didn’t make the trip that year. A while later, Joe, Dee Dee and Ruthie left the party. We told a few stupid jokes and listened to some music.

I’d like to dedicate this audio track in memory of our good friend and brother, Mike Hansen. Rest in Peace.

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
David Garski