My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Dave and Curt

Dave and Curt

Curt's house - 1982

October 10, 1982

It’s so strange to listen to the way Curt and I used to argue about the stupidest shit. I was 19 years old that year, and Curt was 18. I think this was the summer/fall just before I went to full time at my job. I remember taking a year off just out of high school. I'm pretty sure that I was working part time. I also think that this was probably one of the last times that I stayed overnight at Curt’s house. I know this because when I got promoted to full time shortly after that. I worked nights and there were no more sleepovers and hanging out.

There was something about that bedroom upstairs at his parents house. In the summer, it was unbearable. The only cool air that came through was when we opened the windows in his room and in his sister old room for a cross breeze. They didn't have central A/C in that house until many years later. It was always stuffy in that room. There were nights, I just couldn’t breathe. Winters weren't as bad. It was the top floor, and all of the heat from downstairs made its way up to the second floor. It was still cold. It was Wisconsin. It was always cold.

Curt and I had significantly clashing personality issues, from our early teen age years all through the 1980’s. Curt was sort of a self-promoting womanizer back in those days. The only real proof of this was his long list of disgruntled ex-girlfriends. I never had any girlfriends, which made it very difficult for me to understand how he was allegedly getting and using all these girls, then breaking up with them.

Strangely enough, Curt and I never got into a physical fight. I'm sure that if we had, it might have been pretty bad. Most of our arguments were based on ego and arrogance. In all honesty, I think that this was very much the early stages of him becoming an alpha male as I was becoming a sigma male.

I think that the reason Curt and I stayed friends for so many years was because we did have quite a lot in common. We both liked the same music. We were both heavily into CB radios and listening to police scanners. He and I spend a lot of paper route money at the local Radio Shack. I think that most of the time, we made each other laugh because we both had such comical personalities. Where he had a larger vocabulary of words, I had was good at doing voices and impersonations.

Curt and I made lots of recordings over the years. It was just something we did because we liked hearing what we sounded like on tape. Curt was arguably the funniest of the entire group of guys I grew up with. When he discovered pot, the tape recorders were rolling, in hopes of catching him break into a laughing attack. It was truly hysterical stuff.

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
My personal library of digitized audio tracks and clips from my compact cassette tapes collection from all the way back to the late 1970's.
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