My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Door County 1983

Door County 1983

Tape 2 - 1983

July 22-26, 1983

I was 20 years old in 1983. I have always been the eldest of the group. Somehow, four young, and I mean “young” little girls found their way to our campsite. I think they were all around 13 or 14 years old. It really wasn’t that big of a deal since the youngest guy in our group, Joe, was probably around 15 that summer. These four girls were from the Madison, Wisconsin area - McFarland to be exact. The loud mouth giggler of their group was Stephanie. Then there was Sherry and cousins, Michelle and Deana. Michelle was the quietest of the group.

We also met another girl by the name of Katie. I don’t remember much about her except that she was a little more grown up than the other four girls.

I don’t think any of us guys were expecting to meet any girls in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin, much less a group of young kids. There was also another girl from Milwaukee, who was probably around 18 or 19. Her name was Jill. Jill wore a purple bikini, an incredibly tanned body and an annoying laugh that could chip paint off the wall.

We were at the park for a total of four full days. It was probably better that we didn’t stay any longer than that. 1983 would ultimately be the shortest duration year out of all of the years we were in Peninsula State Park.

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
David Garski