My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Door County 1983

Door County 1983

Tape 3 - 1983

July 22-26, 1983

The quality of this particular cassette tape was very poor. I did my best to try to fix what I could.

What I could hear was that, this was one of those nights when I was being “sullen” Dave. I did that a lot back then. I didn’t understand that this was just my normal behavior. I thought that there was something wrong with me. I have never been a conformist or someone who simply goes with the group without question.

I think that so much of who I was at 20 years of age, was simply me trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted in life. This is what everyone went through at that age. I was surrounded by people who were younger than me. How was I supposed to expect them to understand why I was so introspective? If I am indeed a sigma male, it would explain a lot of my life.

I do know that depression is a common occurrence in my family. So is anger, resentment, guilt, narcissism and regret. I hear the way I used to communicate as a young man, and all I hear is my own father in my voice. I was always angry, short-tempered and ready to yell. That was the youthful me - the kid who doesn’t exist anymore. So glad I grew out of that.

I’ll bet if most people could hear recordings of themselves when they were young, they’d probably cringe a little too.

Door County Alumni - 1983

Curt Helding - 19
Dave Garski - 20
Mike Hansen - 17
Mark Simanek - 18
Joe Hansen - 16

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
David Garski