My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Nikki and Dave

Nikki and Dave

Acoustic rehearsal - 2000

December 13, 2000

I played bass guitar in a local Orlando band called Jayla. Nikki and Diane were the co-founders of Jayla, and the rest of the band were the hired guns. Even thought I had been hanging out with the band for a long time, I was really one of those hired guns for maybe, a year.

Nikki and Diane would often do acoustic gigs all over Central Florida. I would sometimes “roadie” for them. Sometimes, I brought my acoustic guitar and would sit in with them. I mean, I already knew the songs, and it was fun for me.

I became good friends with them and we hung out together a lot. I’d bring my guitar over to their house and we would have rehearsals in the living room and the garage.

This audio clip is one of those rehearsals in the garage.


Nikki Thompson - Guitars and Vocals
Diane Kelly - Guitars and Vocals
Mike Walker - Guitars
Dave Garski - Bass Guitar
Tim Kamak - Drums
This original recording was made on a compact stereo analog cassette tape recorder. Adjustments in tone were added for clarity. December 13, 2000. All rights reserved.

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
David Garski