My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
Rule of 7

Rule of 7

Live at NWC - 2003

April 17, 2003

Having already sold out all our first self-titled (2002) CD’s, Northwest Community Church was packed to the rafters with fans who were more than familiar with our music. I think that as a band, we were maybe a little overwhelmed by how many people had come out to hear us play.

Unless you’re actually in the band and know the songs well enough, you’re probably not going to hear the small “oops” we made on some of the songs. But, you see - that’s the beauty of live performances, living in the moment and experiencing the energy of great music. It’s going to sound great, no matter what happens.

There were times when we’d be playing a song - and the story would unfold and reveal itself to us as a band - and sometimes, we had no idea where it was going to take us. We were all every much there for the ride, just like our audiences. There’s simply no comparable feeling to playing live music to a packed house and feeling the energy from everyone. Believe me, we were probably enjoying it more than you were.

Rule of 7

Peter Brunton - Guitars and Lead Vocals
Mike Walker - Guitars and Vocals
Dave Garski - Bass Guitar and Vocals
Gary Moffatt - Drums and Vocals
This original recording was made on a compact stereo analog cassette tape recorder. Adjustments in tone were added for clarity. April 17, 2003. All rights reserved.

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My Cassette Life
My Cassette Life
David Garski